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Badri Moghadam, Ph.D.


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Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Badri Moghadam received her doctorate in Clinical Psychology from Utah State University. She also received post doctoral specialized training in clinical psychology from Brown University. She has taught at the university level and has delivered many presentations on psychological issues, especially focusing on women and cultural issues. Dr. Moghadam has also authored psychological textbooks currently being utilized at several universities.

Dr. Moghadam has more than seventeen years in private practice working with children, adolescents and adults. Her skills include administering psychological and neuropsychological evaluations. Dr. Moghadam conducts psycho-educational classes that involve a variety of topics, such as issues of self-esteem. These classes are held in both English and Farsi. She is also a school psychologist, treating children with ADHD, learning disabilities, developmental and behavioral disorders. Dr. Moghadam believes that clients who participate in treatment will develop the necessary skills to work through their problems and resolve them.

دكتر بدرى مقدم
سابقه تدريس در دانشگاه تهران

Brownفوق دكترا از دانشگاه

مؤلف كتب دانشگاهى

بيش از ٢٠ سال سابقه كار روانشناسى در آمريكاكودكان، نوجوانان و بزرگسالان،مشكلات فردى و خانوادگى، انواع تست هاى روانى براى سنجش هوش، استعدادهاى، تحصيلى و ناراحتى هاى روانى

ADHD  و مشكلات يادگيرى و تحصيلی، خودشناسى، اعتماد به نفس و كسب مهارت هاى اجتماعى، افسردگى، وسواس، اضطراب و ترس، تفاوت هاى فرهنگى و مشكلات ناشى از مهاجرت PDD, Asperger’s Disorder, Autism
