Dr. Houshyar is a Board Certified Internist with more than 30 years of experience in orthopedic surgery, family practice and primary care. He is a graduate of Yale Medical Center in New Haven, Connecticut, where he received his training in internal medicine.
Dr. Sadighian is a Board Certified Internist with more than 20 years of experience in family practice and primary care. She is a graduate of Yale Medical Center in New Haven, Connecticut, where she received her training in internal medicine.
√ We provide care to patients ages 12 and above. We also provide care to patients in hospitals and nursing homes (Medicare only).
√ Cancer screening
◊ Colon, Prostate, Cervical, Breast
√ Screening and treatment for:
◊ Diabetes & weight management
◊ Heart disease & cholesterol
◊ Lung disease & asthma
◊ Osteoporosis & menopause
◊ Bone & joint disease
◊ Thyroid
◊ Depression
√ Annual physical exam including:
◊ Pap smear & breast exam
◊ Prostate exam
◊ Hearing & vision exam
◊ Sigmoidoscopy
√ Diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases:
◊ Removal of skin tags and moles
◊ Skin Cancer
√ We provide:
◊ Holter monitor & treadmill
◊ Vaccination
◊ Lab tests for quilified patients
We are excited about our new aesthetic center!
√ Cosmetic Laser
◊ Laser hair removal
◊ Photorejuvination
◊ Blue light for acne
◊ Skin resurfacing and mini face lift
◊ Vascular blemish and rosacia removal
√ Botox® Cosmetics
√ Dermal Fillers
◊ Restylane®
◊ Captique®
◊ Juvederm®
√ Radiofrequency ablation
◊ Minimal scarring and bleeding
◊ Mole and skin tag removal
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Yale داراى بورد تخصصى امراض داخلى از دانشگاه
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Yale داراى بورد تخصصى امراض داخلى از دانشگاه
بیماريهاى قلبى، فشارخون، ريوى و گوارشى، دردهاى مفصلى، استخوانى و پوكى استخوان، تنظیم خانواده و جلوگيرى از حاملگى، درمان افسردگى و اضطراب، كنترل وزن و كلسترول، آسم و آلرژى، كم خونى و غده تيروئيد و ديابت، بیماريهاى پوستى، برداشتن خال، سرطان پوست، چک آپ ساليانه، پاپ اسمير، ناتوانى جنسى و امراض مقاربتى، معاينه پروستات و تشخيص سرطان، ترک سيگار