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Ellie Farshidi M.D.


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Her desire to help people in need is what drove Dr. Farshidi to pursue medicine as a career. St. Jude Medical Center has a very good reputation for quality medical care, which is why she chose to be affiliated with it. Dr. Farshidi began her medical career as a surgeon, but after moving to this country ten years ago, she began working as a family practitioner, She also specializes in obstetrics and gynecology.

My patients have ranged in age from newborns to an active 101-year-old, and I often have the privilege of caring for entire families, including grandparents, parents and children. My favorite part of medicine is working together with the patient to achieve the best possible results. By listening carefully, educating patients, and not prescribing only “by the book,” I can take into account individual needs and goals, and help patients become healthier.

دكتر الهه فرشيدى

جراح و پزشک خانواده-بیماريهاى زنان

عوارض يائسگى

دردهاى مزمن لگن

مرض قند، روماتيسم و آسم، فشار خون، چربى خون و كلسترول

سرطان هاى زودرس دستگاه تناسلى، پروستات و كولون

چک آپ سالانه و واكسيناسيون



تنظیم خانواده و جلوگيرى از حاملگى

جلوگيرى از پوكى استخوان (استئوپوروز)

تشخيص و درمان عوارض قبلاز پی-ام-اس 

فيزيوتراپى و الكتروكارديوگرام
