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EPIS Empire Pacific Investigative Services


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Whether you need a professional to conduct an infidelity investigation on your spouse or partner, or scrutinize the finances of a company you’re considering doing business with, it is essential to employ the services of a reliable private investigator in Beverly Hills. Here at Empire Pacific Investigative Service (EPIS), we take pride in our commitment to superior customer service and consistent results. Three retired U.S. Federal Special Agents established EPIS in 1993, and we hold every new private investigator in Beverly Hills that we hire to the high standards set forth by our founders. Our team consists of professionals culled from the top ranks of federal, state, and local law enforcement. Most of our associates have at least three decades of investigative experience, and bring to EPIS a diverse array of skill sets.

Indeed, the tremendous variety of backgrounds and training amongst our associates is why we are able to offer such a wide range of services. You can hire an EPIS private investigator in Beverly Hills for employee theft and screening, database research, missing persons, litigation support, and much more. We encourage you to explore our informative and user-friendly website to learn more, and to contact us directly with any questions.

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كاراگاهان ورزيده  و با تجربه ما با بيشترين تلاش خود و با در دست داشتن مدرن ترين تجهيزات براى امور تحقيقاتى در تمام شبانه روز در خدمت شما خواهند بود.

تحقيقات مربوت به دعاوى دادگاهى، 
