Our firm is built on the principles of protecting our clients’ best interests through vigorous legal representation and personalized service. The Law Offices of Christopher K. Jafari‘s practice emphasizes in general civil litigation, criminal law, corporate business litigation, collections, as well as real estate litigation, including but not limited to, appraisal and title claims.
Mr. Jafari also performs extensive research on a variety of legal issues, and writes letters of opinions as needed. He also performs a series of transactional tasks for clients including contract drafting and review, lease negotiation, copyright and trademark registration, setting up business entities such as corporations, limited liability companies, and partnerships.
دكتر كورش جعفرى
وكيل رسمى دادگاههاى كاليفرنيا و فدرال
امور جنائى، امور تجارى و بازرگانى، امور خانواده
امور خانواده
طلاق، حفظ حقوق و سرپرستى فرزندان
گرفتن حكم نفقه و اصلاح آن
تنظيم قراردادهاى پيش و مربوط به ازدواج
تقسيم اموال
امور جنائى
مواد مخدر، رانندگى در حال مستى،
سرقت و ديگر امور جنائى
امور تجارى و بازرگانى
دعاوى تجارى، تهيه و تنظيم قراردادهاى
تجارى ثبت شركتها، ثبت علائم تجارى،
امور ملكى، امور ورشكستگى، دعاوى مالياتى
با O(Offer and Compromise)-IRS