LAW OFFICES OF SEAN S. VAHDAT & ASSOCIATES, APLC is a well-rounded law firm that provides a full range of legal services to both individuals and businesses. With a main office in the city of Irvine and satellite offices in Los Angeles & San Diego, we take great pride as a full-service law firm committed to superior legal services. Our firm has over 20 years of combined experience, and we have dedicated our practice to the areas of personal injury, bankruptcy, employment law, criminal defense, and estate planning. We take pride in defending the rights of our clients under the laws of our great nation.
دكتر ساسان وحدت و همكاران
وكيل رسمى دادگاه هاى كاليفرنيا و فدرال
امور تصادفات، ورشكستگى، امور جنايى
امور كارمند و كارفرما