ZKCO is an accounting, tax and business advisory firm located in the City of Irvine in the heart of Southern California’s Orange County. The firm provides its financial and consulting services to an array of privately-held businesses and moderate- to high-net-worth individuals.
ZKCO is committed to converting knowledge and passion into value for its clients and maximizing their opportunities within the capital market. Our Professionals apply the highest level of insight, responsiveness and sound fiscal principles to help ensure the greatest possible results for our clients.
ZKCO offers a broad array of personal and professional financial services. To follow is a partial list of our competencies with links to additional information. Please feel free to inquire about any services not listed below.
حسن كاشفى پور
مجید زرین کلک
تهيه و تنظیم صورتهاى مالى (Financial Statements)
بررسى (Review) و حسابرسى (Audit) صورتهاى مالى
تهيه و تنظیم اظهارنامه هاى مالياتى اشخاص، شركت ها و مشاغل.
مشاوره در حل اختلافات با مراجع مالياتى (IRS, FTB, EDD, BOE)
مشاوره و برنامه ريزى مالى و مالياتى
طراحى و اجراى سيستم هاى مالى و حسابدارى
تهيه، تنظیم و رسيدگى به برآوردهاى مالى و مالياتى.
رسيدگى به اختلافات مالى و تهيه گزارش جهت مراجع قانونى.