Divorce is tough. It’s physically, emotionally and financially stressful. At O’Connor & Martin, Attorneys at Law, we’ll put your stress at ease.
Child custody, child support, spousal support, property division, pension and retirement division issues are often complex and challenging. The legal system is impersonal, intimidating and can be overwhelming. We’re here to help you find the answers and create the best approach to resolving the many issues that divorcing couples face.
For some, litigation will be required, but for many, divorce mediation will provide the best approach and solution. We have over 30 years of mediation experience, making us more than qualified for your case. If you need family law help in or near Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, call O’Connor & Martin today.
Since 1985, O’Connor & Martin has been deeply committed to providing the highest level of personal attention and service to our clients. Our attorneys have years of experience with divorce mediation, child custody and other family law issues. We provide legal and mediation services at reasonable rates without sacrificing quality or compromising client needs. Call O’Connor & Martin, Attorneys at Law, in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, to get started.
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